Angle Of Attack Pmdg 737 NGX-torrent.torrent ((LINK))
Hi folks, I know that this post is very old but I found a pretty easy way to fix this problem, so I'm gonna leave it here because may there to be people that still look for the answer. It's just open the aircraft.cfg file (it must be done to every aircraft that present this problem), search for cruise_lift_scalar that must have value 1.0 and change that to something around 2.5, so the nose angle will be reduced twice and a half of the current attack angle while at cruise altitude. Change also the following values: elevator_trim_effectiveness=1.5 and elevator_effectiveness=1.5. These values belong to the [Flight_Tuning] session. Hope I've helped. PS: Don't insert a value superior to 2.5 in cruise_lift or, below the cruise altitude, the airplane may point the nose down, 2.5 leads the simulation very close to reality, because real planes fly in cruise altitude with a nose angle around 1.5 and 2.5 to keep lift. 1e1e36bf2d