It would be a big step to call plastic pipe fabrication a huge shift in industrial principals. After all, the components to make this tubing are hardly a major modern miracle on the level of computers and other forms of transcendent technology. That said, plumbing and other industries have been slow to leave their metals behind and it is only recently that a gradual shift has become apparent. Many of the top minds in the field of plumbing are beginning to join the chorus that says it is time to leave chrome, iron, and steel largely behind. Naturally, the decision to leave behind lead has already been made for health purposes. Here are some of the other reasons plastic is the order of the day.
No one can take away from the strength of metal composition, but it is subject to one weakness you won't find in plastic pipe fabrication: cpvc pipe corrosion. There is little that can be done to stop it, either, which is bad news for those who depend on it for industrial uses. Not only does this potentially lead to leaking, which can have disastrous consequences, but it can lead to copper leeching into the water supply.
Green Advantages
When environmentalists talk about improving our world, they seldom speak very highly of plastic. Usually, in fact, the move is to push away from that ubiquitous materials and embrace things like metal water bottles, woven fabric grocery bags, and various other alternatives. But plastic pipe fabrication isn't exactly on the same level as Evian bottles. You aren't throwing it in a landfill after a single use. As opposed to metal piping, it won't allow nearly as much heat loss, meaning the average homeowner can use much less power to generate hot water. PVC types are fully recyclable as well, erasing that pesky landfill issue altogether.
Anyone who is fitting a home with plumbing or is looking to cut costs in industrial applications has to consider plastic pipe fabrication. It is much less expensive than copper and several other metal materials commonly used in industry. These costs aren't only beneficial from the point of purchase, but from a transportation angle as well. Because they are lighter in weight, they cost less to transport, meaning more money in any company's reserves.
There are many reasons a move toward plastic pipe fabrication is a good one and many plumbers are realizing this. While this paradigm shift may be slow going at first, it has taken on more and more popularity as time wears on.