You may have seen or heard about VelaShape in the media recently. It's been featured on programs including The CBS Early Morning Show, Dr. Phil, and the Rachel Ray Show. It's easy to understand why. Velashape is proven to actually contour, shape and slim the body by shrinking cellulite and reducing skin circumference. It can create noticeable results in as few as 4 treatments. And Velashape is approved by the FDA, providing a complete non-surgical alternative to liposuction without any downtime! So for all those interested in learning more, here's a concise guide to all the basics you need to know about this breakthrough technology.
Understanding cellulite -
We know cellulite can be the bane of a beautiful body, creating pockets of fat and dimpled skin resistant to reduction by diet or exercise. But what is cellulite? Cellulite is fat cells located in chambers separated by vertical and horizontal tissue partitions, or septae. Vertical partitions When the chambers are distended by enlarged fat cells or by retained intercellular fluids, they protrude beyond the length of the vertical partitions, pushing up the skin surface and resulting in cellulite's telltale dimpled skin.
How Velashape works -
Velashape uses Syneron elos technology, combining electro optical synergy with mechanical manipulation of the skin using gentle vacuum action. This is the only device that combines these forces, which is the secret of its effectiveness.
The elos technology heats dermal (skin) and sub-dermal (below the skin) tissues that contain cellulite. The heat causes the metabolic breakdown of fat in fat cells. The vacuum action contributes to this breakdown as it increases blood circulation. The mechanical actions also helps drain excess intercellular fluids into the lymphatic system. This removes the fat, reducing the size of the fat cells. Consequently, the bumpiness of the skin caused by distended fat cells is reduced. So is the circumference of the treated areas of the body.
Seeing results -
In our instant gratification culture, people want immediate results. One of the most common questions I get about this device is "How soon before I see a difference?" The answer: Gradual improvement can be seen following the first treatment. The skin feels smoother, firmer and tighter. Results will be best after 6-8 weeks following the final treatment session. In clinical studies conducted by Syneron, patients reported average of one-half to three inches circumferential reduction.
What does a VelaShape treatment feel like?
No pain, no gain isn't the case with VelaShape; it's a painless procedure. Most patients find it comfortable, a sensation like a warm tissue massage. Afterwards a warm sensation and a redness in the skin is common, typically lasting for a few hours.
Maintaining the new you -
To maintain optimal results long after your initial treatment regimen is completed, periodic maintenance treatments are recommended. As with all surgical and non-surgical techniques, results will last longer if a balanced diet and an exercise regimen is followed.
We use VelaShape at our medical spa in Summit, New Jersey, where we provide non-invasive aesthetic procedures exclusively. We - our staff and clients - have been very impressed with the results, and it has become a very popular procedure.