The Healthiest Bread You Can Buy
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White bread has long been shunned as a processed food, but here's one that's unprocessed, contains whole foods and deserves some attention. A healthier take on traditional white bread, Dave's Killer Bread contains five super grains, including quinoa, spelt, rye and millet, to give you 10 grams of whole grains per serving. Made with non-GMO and 100% USDA organic ingredients, this is the perfect choice for picky eaters looking for healthier options. Our testers commented that this \"soft\" bread had an \"incredibly tasty and very homemade flavor\" and could be a reliable kitchen staple.
Made with only USDA organic and non-GMO ingredients, this flourless, sprouted whole grain bread also provides a source of complete protein containing all nine essential amino acids. It is lower in sodium per slice than most bread and contains zero added sugars. It's also free of the controversial herbicide and pesticide glyphosate, as certified by a third party. A Nutrition Lab favorite, our testers noted it has a great texture when toasted and said it offers a \"very earthy and nutty flavor; it's also very satiating!\"
Arnold's has been a long-time urban American favorite founded in 1940. Made with 100% whole wheat and 4g of whole grains per serving this bread is also free from artificial preservatives, colors and flavors. We found this classic whole wheat loaf to be soft and hearty with a slight nutty flavor. Our testers reported that it \"holds up well to toppings, making a great sandwich.\"
This grain-, gluten-, dairy- and soy-free, healthy sourdough bread is made from a combination of eggs, cashew butter, probiotic-rich sauerkraut and a hearty mix of flax, psyllium husk and almond flour. If you're following a paleo, keto or low-carb diet, this is the bread for you. Our testers liked the heartiness of the bread saying, \"it's actually quite good with a nice flavor and good consistency.\" Others exclaimed they couldn't believe it was gluten- and grain-free. It serves as the perfect base for any sandwich: try toasting it for a little extra crunch and topping it with avocado.
Faithful to its name, this bread is composed of seven sprouted whole grains including quinoa, millet and oat groats. It is an ideal choice for those following a low-sodium diet or just watching their salt intake because it contains no added salt and only 25 mg of sodium per slice. It is also easy to freeze and can be stored in your freezer for up to six months.
This bread has a classic whole grain taste and testers commented that the texture had an \"excellent consistency\" and they appreciated the larger slice size of the bread. One tester said, \"I thought I would miss the salt but I really didn't.\"
With only six ingredients, this wheat-free bread contains a whopping 8 grams of fiber per slice. Made with whole rye kernels, this dense and delicious dark bread tastes great simply topped or toasted. Recent studies have found that rye-rich and whole grain foods may have a positive effect on insulin metabolism and may help to lower the risk for or prevent the development of type 2 diabetes.
One tester commented that this bread is the \"perfect complement to cream cheese and lox,\" while others reported that it holds up well with virtually any topping and tasted equally great with avocado or peanut butter.
A great choice for boosting your fiber intake, this bread packs an impressive 5 grams per serving. It contains organic whole flax and organic ground flaxseeds which give it a slight crunch. Made from sprouted whole wheat, it contains 23 grams of whole grains and 6 grams of protein per serving. Packed with wholesome ingredients, testers commented on the \"awesome texture and full-bodied flavor.\" While another commented the bread has a \"nice chew to it either toasted or not.\"
This nutrition-packed bread is made from organic ancient grains and seeds including buckwheat, millet, sunflower and flax seeds to create a high fiber, gluten-free bread. With a nutty taste and hearty, complex texture, it's a perfect choice for toasting or for sandwiches. As an added bonus, it contains gut-healthy prebiotics from plant-based starch. It's also free from eight major food allergens including gluten, peanut, egg, wheat, dairy, nuts, soy and shellfish.
This gluten-free bread is packed with texture, subtle sweetness, and wholesome ingredients all in one. Ingredients like eggs, golden flaxseed meal, raisins, arrowroot flour, cashew butter, almond butter, almond flour, and more make for a hearty bread without classic grains.
When most people embark on a new diet, the first thing that seems to get the boot is the bread. But carbs shouldn't always be the dietary scapegoat. Dropping them from your diet will depress your taste buds, and it could actually prevent you from achieving lasting, healthy weight loss. The good news is that you don't have to cut out bread completely in order your reach your weight-loss goals. Instead of cutting carbs completely, simply switch to one of the healthiest bread loaves you can buy in the bread aisle.
To further prove the point that you don't need to toss bread to the side forever, you'll want to keep in mind some of the basic reasons why it can (and should be) a healthy diet staple, according to Leslie Bonci, MPH, RD, CSSD, LDN.
Certain slices will offer your body minimal nutritional benefits while others have the opportunity to fill you up with fiber and energy-boosting whole grains. (Yes, there are best bread loaves for weight loss out there!) Not to mention, some varieties today go even further and pack healthy, satiating fats into the mix by adding nuts and seeds.
So to help you out next time you're food shopping, use this list of the healthiest bread options you can find at the grocery store, along with a few loaves you should leave on the store's shelves, too.
\"Bread slices have become bigger in recent years. MyPlate specifies 1-ounce bread as a serving, but most slices are upwards of 1.5 ounces,\" explains Ward. \"If you're looking for a healthy bread with a true serving, try Dave's Killer Bread Thin Sliced Powerseed. It has 40 fewer calories per slice, and still has 3 grams of fiber per serving (one slice), which is 1 ounce.\"
The very first ingredient on this low-sodium Ezekiel Bread loaf is organic sprouted wheat, which will tip you off to the fact that it will probably contain more fiber and also offer more health benefits as a result. What kind of benefits are we talking Whole grains have been found to reduce your risk for heart disease and diabetes and even assist in weight management and weight loss. That's definitely what you're looking for in the healthiest bread.
\"I usually look for slices of bread to have less than 20 grams of carbs per slice (especially for my clients who are watching their blood sugar) and usually around 100-150 calories per slice,\" says Crandall. This Arnold loaf definitely fits the bill.
\"Silver Hills' bread is made with healthy sprouted grains that make digestion easier,\" says Manaker. This bread is made with a blend of sunflower seeds, millet seeds, flaxseed, and sesame seeds and contains only two grams of cane sugar. You'll also get 5 grams of protein and 3 grams of fiber in every slice.
If you're someone who is trying to lower your carb intake for your personal health goals, the good news is that you can certainly still enjoy bread! \"Carbonaut's bread is always low-carb and keto-friendly to support weight loss goals,\" says Manaker.
\"So many people love the classic Epic Everything Bagel, but with 260 calories, it might be a bit much for your weight loss goals, especially once you add a spread or side item,\" says Amy Goodson, MS, RD, CSSD, LD author of The Sports Nutrition Playbook and member of our Expert Medical Board. \"The great news is that Dave's Killer Bread has made a lower calorie option so you can get your Epic Everything fix! The brand new Epic Everything Organic Breakfast Bread has only 90 calories per slice, 9 grams of whole grains, and 4 grams of protein. Pair a slice or two with eggs or make it avocado toast for a nutrient-rich, lower calorie bread option at breakfast.\"
\"Terms like 'multi-grain,' 'made with,' 'wheat flour,' and 'sourdough' come to mind [when thinking of red flags on labels.] These terms are red flags but that doesn't mean the bread is necessarily a bad choice,\" Ward says. \"For example, a bread could be multi-grain and made with all whole grains, but it also could be made with highly refined grains, too. 'Made with' usually refers to whole grain, which tells me that it's likely not 100% whole grain. Most flour is made from wheat so the term 'wheat flour' does not mean it's whole grain.\"
\"This bread is not a good choice. It has 1.5 level teaspoons of sugar per slice,\" Ward says. \"It's made with butter, so a slice has 8% of your daily allowance for saturated fat on a 2,000 calorie diet eating plan.\"
\"Pepperidge Farm Sourdough bread has 10% of your daily sodium allowance in a single slice. If you're having a sandwich, that's 20% right there!\" Ward says. \"[With] sourdough, people mistakenly believe that because it's a fermented food, it's better for your gut, but that's not true because baking the bread kills the beneficial bacteria.\"
\"With white bread, there's typically less fiber and less nutritional benefits. We know that higher fiber and whole grain products have been linked to showing that they can decrease the risk of high cholesterol, help decrease weight, and also decrease the risk of cardiovascular disease,\" says Crandall.
Let's be honest, it can be very difficult shopping for nutritious foods. Take bread, for example. For one person gluten is a strict no-no. For someone else, fiber content is the most crucial line on a product's nutritional information panel. Yes, when it comes to breads, there's no one size fits all option. But that doesn't mean there aren't some guidelines to help you make the best choices to meet your individual health needs. 59ce067264